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Body-Focused Coaching

Through a combination of massage therapy, and body-focused coaching,

I help highly sensitive women who are caretakers at home, at work,

or both, to slow down and get back in touch with self-trust, confidence, passion, and inner peace, so they can make a difference in their world.



































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I've learned that feeling better doesn't happen by doing more.  In fact, if you're anything like me, there's  a good chance you're already doing too much!  


Maybe you're walking around with your nervous system on high alert, feeling like your head is spinning from the huge mental load of tasks and decisions to make, at home and at work.  Listening to that ever-present critical voice telling you that you aren't doing enough.


If you have a day off, you probably feel guilty and have trouble letting yourself rest.        


And maybe you don't even want to think about your body, never mind connect to it, because you've had negative feelings or even distrusted it for as long as you can remember. 


Like a seed, you already have everything necesssary to bloom, but life events, and things like technology can make us feel disconnected from our own strengths.                                                                                 

If so, I compassionately relate to and thoroughly enjoy hanging out with women like you, because that's me, too.


I'm passionate about us feeling strong and peaceful.  I believe that when we sensitive women slow down and listen to our bodies, we connect to our strengths and our wise, True Nature.

Culture sends the message that feeling well comes from doing more.  I believe feeling good comes from connecting more - to your body and the gifts you were born with.


  • inner wisdom

  • creativity

  • patience

  • self-compassion

  • courage

  • peacefulness

Practicing this type of connection has so many benefits.  It allows you to more frequently pause and check-in before

making big decisions, have more patience with family, friends and co-workers and treat yourself with kindness when things get challenging.​​

Does that sound like you?

What is Body-Focused Coaching?


Our time together will be spent connecting to your internal body compass.  Your body is very wise about letting you know which direction will support you. ​

We'll slow down and breathe, inviting a letting go of your 'ordinary' day of to-do's and responsibilities and enter into a 'non-ordinary' space of quiet and calm.  We'll pick a guidance card and check in with what you are noticing in your body that day.  Then, set an intention around our time together.

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For example, maybe you feel tightness in your chest when you think about your family member coming to visit.  Instead of bypassing the body and working with your brain around how you could talk to that person to feel better, we would focus on the sensations in your body.  ​​​Maybe you breathe into that tightness, maybe you bring a hand there and ask what it wants to tell you.

Bringing attention to the sensations and connecting to your body compass will help you navigate any challenges with more ease and wisdom. You'll be able to connect more deeply with your intuition so your next steps can make themselves known without having to forcefully figure it out. Imagine what it would be like to bring your peaceful, True Self to your relationships, work and life.

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This type of coaching is not for everyone.  There will be no cracking of the whip here, so if that type of motivation is your jam, I'm not the coach for you.  This is a safe space to stop DOing, and settle into BEing.  From my experience, especially as a woman, when you shift from DOing (pushing through) to BEing (slowing down and connecting), magic happens... ​​​

Your Investment​

$249 / month

We'll have one 90 + 15-minute bodywork session and

one 60 - 75-minute phone session per month

(Also available as 2 phone sessions per month if not able to come to the office)


Change happens in its own time.  Our sessions will be tailored to your needs and your

particular pace.  For some, this means one month of work together around slowing

down and listening, and for others it may mean a year of powerful support to unlock the

wisdom of your body.  Most people find that 3-6 months of sessions is what feels best for

learning how to trust your gut instinct, calm your nervous system and hear the messages

from your heart.

Not sure if this program is right for you? 

Click the box below to schedule a free, no obligation 30-minute connection call. 

You can tell me what is happening for you right now and we'll try a sample experience of this process.  It's a good opportunity to use your intuition about whether working together feels right for you. 

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